Dear Families,
Week #9 - check!  What a productive and fabulous week we've had in distance learning!  I have received numerous emails and feedback about how much students are enjoying their novel study and the STEAM experiments!  I'm very happy to hear this!  More to come next week :) 

Also, next week, I have an ART PROJECT that I've assigned that I think you'll really enjoy!  Stay tuned :) 

Thank YOU to ALL who were able to join our Monday Meet!  LOOK AT THOSE SMILES!

Google Meet:
This week's special guest featured Sophie (see below) a grade 4 student from Maple, ONT. who joined our SHARE A JOKE Meet on Monday.  I've known Sophie since she was born (she's now 9 years old, 10 in Nov.).  It was wonderful to have YOU, Soph! 

Sophie contributed happily by answering and sharing a few jokes!  Her Mom Leslie (see below) texted me afterwards and said, "Pareen, please thank your students for being so kind by welcoming my daughter and making her feel at comfort and ease.  It MADE HER DAY!"

Sophie's Mom Leslie and their dog Rosie!

Thank you boys and girls for continuing to demonstrate TRUE CHARACTER by warmly welcoming someone new and helping build up Sophie's spirits and day!

Sophie's class hasn't been doing regular Google Meets like us and she has been missing interacting with peers her age so I wanted to give her an opportunity to join us.  In life, it's important to seek opportunities to uplift those around us.  All it takes is a smile, a listening ear, a compliment ... COMPASSION! 

Let's all continue spreading EMPATHY and JOY to our human family!

Sophie and me when she was a little baby!  Isn't she CUTE!?

Special Presentation:
Exciting news everyone!  Our next Google Meet (Mon. Jun. 8th), we will have a special presentation and farm tour by our very own Connor!  He was so inspired by Ms. McNichol's BEE presentation that he wanted to share about specific animals that he's passionate about on his farm!

Connor has worked hard this week to prepare and I'm thrilled by his efforts!  Be sure to join us and come prepared to listen attentively and to ask questions during the question & answer period!

Student Item(s) Pick Up:
Thank you to ALL families who were able to get their child's item(s) from school this week.  I had the JOY of seeing some of YOU and I can't even fully begin to express how much it meant to me to reconnect and see your child's SMILE IN PERSON!! 

A special thank you to Orin and his Mom for going back to their house and bringing me fresh vegetables from their garden!!  I really appreciate it and am currently looking for a recipe to make a rhubarb crumble from the rhubarb you gave me :) 

Thank you Kali and Connor as well for your special gifts too :)  I will cherish them always!!

Thank you Mrs. Mckee for sharing this photo of Liam and his sister closely watching the launch that occurred last Saturday!!  Their focus and enjoyment from this experience is something I'm sure Clara and Liam will remember for years to come!

Thank you Mrs. Flint for sharing these photos below.  Check out how Noah has been helping his Daddy landscape, riding in the digger, and learning to cook!  He even made his whole family pizza!  That's right, he chopped and prepared everything for them.  Mom shared that the pizza was "so good!"  I bet, I want some now too!!  Noah's sure on a roll with his cooking and digger skills.  Proud of you, Noah!!

Thank you Mrs. Robertson for sharing these photos of Coleton helping out with painting the patio at home!  It's coming along nicely!  He has been making the most of his handy skills and has offered to chip in to assist whenever he can.  Thank you Coleton for being so thoughtful and helpful!  I know your parents appreciate it :)

I love your overalls!!  You LOOK great!
In today's optional Google Meet, Hannah enthusiastically and proudly shared an art creation she made from a kit she had.  I really love ALL THE WONDERFUL ADJECTIVES that describe amazing you!!  Thank you Mrs. Bolton for sharing this photo upon request!

I know the following may be an uncomfortable topic for some, but I wanted to share the importance of why we need to discuss it with our children.  Ultimately, it is up to you, and I support it.  But for those who wish to, please tune in tomorrow morning to the following: 
As anger and heartbreak have swept across America over the killing of yet another black man at the hands of police, CNN and "Sesame Street" are refocusing their second town hall to address racism.
The 60-minute special "Coming Together: Standing Up to Racism."  A CNN/Sesame Street Town Hall for Kids and Families will air on Saturday, June 6, at 10 a.m. ET.
The show will talk to kids about racism, the recent nationwide protests, embracing diversity and being more empathetic and understanding.

As a youngster, I too faced the heart wrenching pain of racism and it has left many scars, however, I do not focus on those.  Instead, I want to use my experience and platform as an educator to DO BETTER AND MORE to help educate my students about the importance of treating ALL PEOPLE with LOVE and KINDNESS no matter their race, gender, orientation, or religion. 

We cannot change history or what has happened the past week, but TOGETHER WE CAN MOVE FORWARD IN A POSITIVE DIRECTION and SPREAD HOPE.  Hope ...that we can build a society which embraces and celebrates our differences!!  

While at school, each day, I was surrounded with students who saw me for who I am, not based on the colour of my skin.  I will be forever grateful to my students and their parents' respect.  You are the ones who make this world BRIGHT!  Now, it's our job to spread this to others who need our help ...WE CAN DO IT!!

Growth Mindset:

Image may contain: ‎text that says '‎"IT IS IN YOUR HANDS τΟ CREATE A BETTER WORLD FOR ALL WHO LIVE INIT." Nelson Mandela عiزل @sanders.chantelle‎'‎

Ms. Gill


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