Dear Families,
WOW!  Here I am writing my final blog update for our 2019/2020 school year.  It is with mixed emotions that I share this post.  I am happy to have completed this year seeing all my students diligently grow academically, socially, and behaviourally.  But, I am truly sad that our time together has come to an end.  

I will miss each student as they have in their own way brightened my heart with their smiles, enthusiasm, and respect.  Each day, I was greeted with warmth and positive energy at school and online (virtually through Google Meet).  I truly am the blessed one!  

I would like to thank each of you (parents) for all that you have done this school year to continually support your child IN and OUT of the classroom.  The past few months certainly have been challenging as we all had to quickly adapt and adjust to a new platform for learning.  Not only did we successfully accomplish this, but exceptionally well too because of YOU!!  

42 Grateful Thanksgiving Day Messages for Parents

Every week, I was in awe of students' completed work and submitting it diligently and thoughtfully.  It was the HIGHLIGHT of days offering feedback and continuing to help students achieve their personal best.    

As a teacher, I can honestly say, I could not have done it without the support of parents!  Thank you from the bottom of my heart!  

I want to take this final opportunity to wish you all a happy and safe summer holiday!  Enjoy and seize every moment you can with your dear child!  I will miss them greatly!!!  Take care and keep smiling J I hope to see you in September everyone!

A Surprise for Ms. Gill:
Last week, I received a heart-felt video message from my students which brought happy tears to my eyes.  I am so touched by this kind gesture!  I have replayed it over and over again as it brings me sheer happiness and reinforces the strong bond we shared together.  

Thank you to ALL my students and parents who initiated and participated in the video message.  I will cherish it forever :)  

Report Cards:
This week, students received their report cards and as always, I like to reinforce that for me, it is not solely about the ‘marks’ or ‘level’s,’ but an emphasis on celebrating students’ strengths and next steps.  We all have areas which we excel in and things we need to continue to work towards.  

report-card | Sales Catcher Quotes

I am proud to say that each student this year displayed their personal best and it has reflected in their growing character.  Many of you know how important character and values are to me as I believe this is what will take you further in life …always be respectful, KIND, and supportive to others!  It takes patience, practice, and perseverance, but if we all continue to work towards this, we will lead a happy and healthy life for all to enjoy! 

Congratulations to all our Grade 8 graduates!  I had the pleasure of coaching some of the girls in intermediate basketball.  It was a fantastic season; we came in 3rd place for the area tournament!  In the semifinals, we were up against a very talented and tough Admiral team who did winner the banner.  As you can see from the photo below, we didn't let this dampen our spirits, we continued to SMILE and SHINE!  Nighthawks always display SPORTSPERSONSHIP to the highest degree!

I would like to take a moment to acknowledge the graduating players.  I’m so proud of the grade 8 girls Abbi, Maddy, Evie, Dani, Sarah, Regan, and Ava G!  This fabulous group of girls not only display exceptional basketball skills, but also have tremendous character off the court.

Below I have posted the virtual graduation ceremony that was organized by our dedicated staff and student MC's (Sidney I. and Sam F.).  I am so proud to be part of a school family who gives it their all no matter the circumstance, and being in a pandemic was a challenging experience.  But, everyone DID IT and we were able to honour our amazing graduates.  I wish our graduates ALL THE BEST IN THEIR HIGH SCHOOL ENDEAVOURS!  

Ms. McNichol:
A thank you to Ms. McNichol who came on our Google Meet on Monday to share about her love of horses and introducing us to her newborn foal named George.  

It was so great to learn about this majestic animal and see some live videos of horseback riding competitions.  I really appreciate Ms. McNichol taking time out of her schedule to be with us and I hope everyone enjoyed the information session as well!

Thank you Mrs. Flint for sharing this photo of Noah persevering and demonstrating optimism to complete this week's 'Tic Tac Toe Puzzle Challenge!'  I am so proud of his efforts and sticking with it!

The challenge was to use the numbers 1-9 and place each number in the tic-tac-toe to make 15 when you add each of the 3 numbers.  You can get the sum of 15 eight different ways. Noah GOT IT! YAHOO!

I've shared on many occasions with my class, the importance of demonstrating our best selves in our thoughts, words, and ACTIONS.  For it is how we thinkact, and feel that will most impact not only us, but also those around us.  We must always put forth our personal best and lead with integrity. 


I know many students in this class have taken this character trait on, and will continue being not only good students, but tremendous citizens as they move forward to contribute to society.  I will always be here for your child, and if I can help in any way big or small, please be in touch!  I truly love and adore them!

Growth Mindset:

Growth Mindset Quotes: 21 Inspiring Quotes on the Power of Persistence
Ms. Gill


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